We are once again allowing people into the Food Closet for distributions. Masks are not required but are encouraged, especially for those who are immunocompromised. We are open from 7:30 am - 11:30 am for distribution on the scheduled dates.
We offer a limited delivery service. Your need for delivery service should be mentioned at registration.
Hours from 7:30 am – 11:30 am
January: 10 and 24
February: 14 and 28
March: 14 and 28 - Easter distr.
April: 11 and 25
May: 9 and 23
June: 13 and 27
July: 11 and 25
August: 15 and 29
*September: 12 and 26
October: 10 and 24
November: 14 and 24-** Monday Thanksgiving distr.
*December: 12 and 19 FRIDAY-***Holiday distr.
*Distribution will be on the 3rd and 5th Friday of the month due to Community Food Bank delivery schedules
**Monday Thanksgiving distribution
*** Friday holiday distribution - last distribution of 2025.
(609) 600-7715
A typical distribution would include canned fruits and vegetables, fresh produce, frozen meats, cereal, pasta and sauce, tuna, peanut butter, and paper and personal care products.